Latest News | AR & VR In Education

5 Reasons to Use Virtual Reality in the Classroom

5 Reasons to Use Virtual Reality in the Classroom

There are many reasons to use virtual reality in the classroom. First of all, students will retain information better when they're experiencing it instead of just hearing about it. This...

5 Reasons to Use Virtual Reality in the Classroom

There are many reasons to use virtual reality in the classroom. First of all, students will retain information better when they're experiencing it instead of just hearing about it. This...

How to Apply Virtual Reality to Enhance Learning Experiences

How to Apply Virtual Reality to Enhance Learnin...

When you want to create more authentic learning experiences for students, consider applying virtual reality to your curriculum. By using 3D modeling tools, you can create a virtual environment that...

How to Apply Virtual Reality to Enhance Learnin...

When you want to create more authentic learning experiences for students, consider applying virtual reality to your curriculum. By using 3D modeling tools, you can create a virtual environment that...

How Virtual Reality Can Help Students in Challenging Courses?

How Virtual Reality Can Help Students in Challe...

Virtual reality helps students in challenging courses in a number of ways. For instance, it can be a great tool for learning about a particular area or environment. Because the...

How Virtual Reality Can Help Students in Challe...

Virtual reality helps students in challenging courses in a number of ways. For instance, it can be a great tool for learning about a particular area or environment. Because the...

Best Examples Of VR And AR In Education

Best Examples Of VR And AR In Education

VR and AR are two different technologies, and they work together to improve learning. One of the most popular examples is Google Expeditions, which lets students experience 3D objects in...

Best Examples Of VR And AR In Education

VR and AR are two different technologies, and they work together to improve learning. One of the most popular examples is Google Expeditions, which lets students experience 3D objects in...

Virtual Reality in Education, Benefits, Tools and Resources

Virtual Reality in Education, Benefits, Tools a...

The use of Virtual Reality (VR) is rapidly gaining popularity with educators. It offers immersive experiences for students and changes the role of the teacher from one of content delivery...

Virtual Reality in Education, Benefits, Tools a...

The use of Virtual Reality (VR) is rapidly gaining popularity with educators. It offers immersive experiences for students and changes the role of the teacher from one of content delivery...